Governing Board
The governors of Merton Park Primary School play an important part in supporting and assisting the head teacher and his team with the management of the school. Many of our governors are parents, but others are nominated by the council or are supporters of the school from the local community. There is at least one member of staff on the governing body, in addition to the Headteacher.
Governance is a key part of a successful school. Every governing board, no matter the type, educational phase or size of the organisation, has four core functions:
1. ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
3. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
4. ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
What do Governors Do?
Governors act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and school. They:
- Support and challenge the headteacher and Leadership team
- Ensure that the school is accountable to: the children and parents it serves; to the local community and to those who fund and maintain it; to the staff it employs
- Monitor school performance, gathering evidence to show what progress is being made towards strategic priorities, targets and the implementation of policies
- Work in close partnership with the headteacher and take advice from her before making decisions
- Account for the school’s overall performance and explain the Governing Board's decisions and actions to anyone who has a legitimate interest
- Ensure that statutory requirements are met
- Respect the professional roles and management responsibilities of the headteacher and staff
Governors are not involved in the day to day running of the school: that is the responsibility of the Headteacher.
The full governing board meets once a term (twice in the autumn term). Much of the work of the governing body is done through sub-committees. The Resources Committee usually meets every half term. The Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee meet once a term.
Click here for Govenors' Annual report to parents (including attendance register) 2024
Members of the Governing Board
Governing Board (ID 1060)
Sue LovelockChair of Governing Board (Parent Governor)
Sue Lovelock
Paul SechiariVice-Chair of Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)
Paul Sechiari
Julia DaviesVice-Chair of Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)
Julia Davies
Peter SouthgateLA Governor
Peter Southgate
Katie LeclercqCo-opted Governor
Katie Leclercq
Chris GoldsmithCo-opted Governor and Safeguarding Governor
Chris Goldsmith
Andrew KnoxHeadteacher
Andrew Knox
Iain RoyCo-opted Governor
Iain Roy
Belinda CooperParent Governor
Belinda Cooper
Sabith LiakatCo-opted Governor
Sabith Liakat
Rebecca ShaffiCo-opted Governor
Rebecca Shaffi
Joshua HuntStaff Governor
Joshua Hunt
Lauren TaitCo-opted Governor
Lauren Tait
Sarah PellegrinParent Governor
Sarah Pellegrin
Governing Board (ID 1060)
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Number of individuals earning over £100,000 2023-2024 | 0 |