Merton Park Primary School

Merton Park School Fund

We are very fortunate that at Merton Park we have been able to invest in a number of key areas over the last few years. We have modernised and redecorated our Computer Suite (including upgrading the air-conditioning), invested in new furniture for our EYFS classrooms, ensured we have sufficient phonics & reading books, installed a new climbing frame in the EYFS playground and purchased a new science, music & DT curriculua.

The only reason that we have been able to carry out all these improvements is because of generous contributions from the Merton Park parents and from the PTA.  The PTA have had a successful few months with the summer fair, quiz night and the Fireworks and Bonfire night and we really appreciate how much support they have received from the whole school community. However, there is another way that parents & carers can support the work of the school.

For a number of years, many of our parents have made regular payments into our school Fund.  Some choose to make regular smaller contributions and others prefer to make one larger contribution.  All of these donations help and all of the money is used for the benefit of the children.

There have been some small increases in school funding from central government over the past few years but because staffing and operational costs (particularly energy costs) have increased, we have, in effect, seen a reduction to the school budget. So, going forward we, like all schools, have diminished resources to draw from.

How do I contribute?

If you feel you are able to contribute to our Support Fund, even in a small way, there are two ways in which you can do this:

We kindly request that contributions are made via a monthly standing order (although one-off donations will also be gratefully received). 

If you are a UK taxpayer:

  • Please set up a monthly standing order to this bank account:
  • Print, complete & return the Gift Aid form to the school office. This will mean that for every £1 you donate, we can get an extra 25p from HMRC at no extra cost to you.

Find out more about on the GOV.UK website:

If you are not a UK taxpayer:

  •  Please pay via ParentPay, or set up a monthly standing order to this bank account: 

    Merton Park Primary School - Special Fund

    Lloyds Bank, St George’s Road, Wimbledon

    Account Number 41560168

    Sort Code 30-99-66

Will my child be affected if I cannot pay?

The donation is voluntary and confidential; not making a payment will not affect your child in any way.  

Who manages the School Fund Gift Aid account?

As the PTA is a registered charity and can claim Gift Aid, the PTA treasurers will have oversight of the Gift Aid account. This is to ensure an appropriate level of access, accountability and privacy. These account holders will ensure information about donors and donations is kept strictly confidential.

The donations are transferred directly to the school on a weekly basis. The School Fund is spent by the school for the school and is overseen by the governors, the PTA is not directly involved in any spending decisions for the fund.