Statutory Information (information for Inspectors)
School contact details | |
School name, postal address & telephone number | Contact us |
Name of people who deals with queries from parents and the public | Contact us |
Name and details of our special educational needs& disabilities (SEND) co-ordinator (SENDCO) | Inclusion |
Policies & other information | |
Behaviour for Learning policy | Policies |
Safeguarding & Child Protection policy | Policies |
Statement of mission, virtues & vision | Mission, Virtues & Vision |
Charging and remissions policy | Policies |
Complaints procedure | Policies |
A link to, or copy of, our most recent Ofsted report | Ofsted |
School opening and closing times, including: Total hours provided in a typical week (e.g., 32.5 hours) Morning registration time The official end of the compulsory school day |
The school day |
Equality objectives (update every 4 years) | Policies |
Details of how you comply with the public sector equality duty (update annually) | |
A link to the school and college performance tables and your school’s performance tables page | Assessment information |
Number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings (a table is recommended, update annually) | Governing Board |
Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials to carry out their union duties | N/A no union officials on the staff. School reps can request time as appropriate. |
A link to your school’s dedicated page on the ‘schools financial benchmarking’ service | Governing Board |
A written statement of your relationships education, or relationship and sex education (RSE), policy | Policies |
Uniform policy | Uniform |
SEND information report | |
The SEN information specified in Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 | Policies |
Information as to: Our admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities The steps weve taken to prevent pupils with disabilities from being treated less favourably than other pupils The facilities you provide to help pupils with disabilities to access the school Our accessibility plan |
Policies |
Any arrangements for handling complaints from parents/carers of children with SEN about the support the school provides | Policies |
Curriculum | |
For each academic year, the content of the curriculum for each subject (including RE even if it’s taught as part of something else) | Curriculum |
Details of how someone can find out more about your curriculum | Curriculum |
Key Stage 1 (KS1): the names of any phonics or reading schemes you’re using | Reading & Phonics |
Information explaining that parents and carers can withdraw their children from any/all RE lessons | Religious Education |
Information about our music development plan (alongside the content of your music curriculum) – this is an expectation rather than a requirement | Music |
Admissions | |
A statement telling parents to contact the local authority to find out about your admission arrangements |
Admissions |
Pupil Premium Strategy | |
Pupil premium strategy statement (using the DfE’s template), by 31 December |
Inclusion |
PE & Sport Premium |
PE & Sports Premium including swimming information |
Physical Education |
KS2 Performance information |
The % of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths % of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths Average scaled score in reading Average scaled score in maths |
Assessment information |
Governance information |
The structure and responsibilities of the governing board and its committees, and full names of the chair of each | Governing Board |
For each governor who’s served at any point over the past 12 months (including associate members): Full name Term of office Date of appointment Date they stepped down (where applicable) Who appointed them Register of business and financial interests Governance roles in other educational institutions Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or between governors and school staff Attendance record at governing board and committee meetings over the last academic year Associate members only: details of their voting rights on committees |
Governing Board |